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Copyright 2000 Eric Kidd. All rights reserved. This contents of
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CustomDNS was written by Eric Kidd <> with lots of
- Hewlett-Packard's e-speak team
generously sponsored the development of CustomDNS. In particular, Kevin
Smathers was extremely helpful (and patient, when I was overwhelmed with
other stuff).
- sourceXchange acted as the
clearing house for this project. They were professional, prompt and very
- Michael Smith provided lots of useful input, wrote a Perl client, and
provided excellent installation notes. Thanks, Mike!
- Brian Wellington kindly allowed me to use his dnsjava package. I carved
Brian's code up in a pretty horrifying fashion, though, so please blame all
the bugs on me, not him.
- Jen Dziura of Propagandize
graciously allowed me to re-use the sign-up and authentication code in
customdns.cgi. I'd originally written this for use on one of the websites
produced by her company.
Thank you to everyone who helped!